Centralized Water
The CENTRA has revolutionized the way that pure water is produced, stored and distributed. Instead of a traditionally engineered central lab system, comprising of an untidy grouping of components and pipework, you can now have just one integrated system box.
The CENTRA-R60 and CENTRA-R120 are complete water purification, storage, control and distribution systems delivering up to 120 liters per hour of water which has been purified using reverse osmosis, UV photo-oxidization, optional deionization and 0.2 μm filtration.
The CENTRA R60 and CENTRA R120 provides Type II and Type III water to feed large washers, ultrapure water purification systems and dispense points for general laboratory applications. They can deliver up to 120 liters per hour of water which have been purified using a range of technologies.

Tech Specs
Inorganics (resistivity at 25°C) | >10 MΩ-cm | >10 MΩ.cm |
Organics (TOC) | <20 ppb * | <20 ppb * |
Bacteria | <1 CFU/1ml * | <1 CFU/1ml * |
Particles | 0.2 μm filter * | 0.2 μm filter * |
Delivery flow rate | 10 l/min @ 22 psi (1-5 bar) | 10 l/min @ 22 psi (1-5 bar) |
Inorganics (resistivity at 25°C) | >10 MΩ-cm | >10 MΩ.cm |
Organics (TOC) | <20 ppb * | <20 ppb * |
Bacteria | <1 CFU/1ml * | <1 CFU/1ml * |
Particles | 0.2 μm filter * | 0.2 μm filter * |
Delivery flow rate | 10 l/min @ 22 psi (1-5 bar) | 10 l/min @ 22 psi (1-5 bar) |
* specifications for CENTRA fitted with UV and optional deionization and microfilter.
Without the deionization cartridge, the CENTRA will provide RO, permeate-grade III water with greater than 95% rejections of organics. TVC levels will typically be less than 5 CFU/ml and TOC less than 100 ppb. With the microfilter, TVC will fall typically to less than 1 CFU/ml and there will be particle removal to 0.2 um. specifications are for a system fed with a suitable water supply and installed, operated and sanitized according to the operator manuals.


- What is the CENTRA Product range?
The CENTRA is ELGA's centralised distribution system for laboratories to feed multiple polishers.
- What is the CENTRA 60/120?
The CENTRA 60/120 takes tap water and purifies it to meet your needs up to type 2 water with a 50 meter distribution loop. Scalable to meet your water quality needs with optional consumables, the CENTRA R200 offers RO water as standard but can have added filtration and UV to improve water quality.
- Why optional consumables?
Not every laboratory application requires the same qualities of water. The scalability of the CENTRA means you do not have to pay for levels of purification which you do not need.
- My Laboratory space is at a premium, how can I fit a product which produces 120L/hr into my lab?
The Centra 60/120 has a space saving design which allows it to be fitted in under the bench to keep your laboratory clear for your science.